Architecture graduate-turned-graphic designer-turned-user experience designer. When my mind wanders, it goes to typography, board games, architecture, and urbanism. Always open to new book and beer recommendations.

I post pictures (mainly of buildings) on Instagram ➚. I may or may not have some weird and eclectic playlists on Spotify ➚.


→ This site was built in Webflow ➚. In a previous life, when I had more patience, it was built in Wordpress.
→ All text set in OH no Type Co.’s Degular ➚. I met James in 2016 when he swung by Singapore to give a talk about hand lettering.
→ I got some help from Lettering.js ➚ for fiddling with the very extra page dividers.
→ Doodles are drawn with a Sailor Fude de Mannen 40° fountain pen.